HAT Gardening with Native Plants guide

HAT Gardening with Native Plants guide

This guide was created to meet the challenge of producing an informative product that Habitat Acquisition Trust’s audience would want to keep for an extended period of time. This was achieved by creating a valuable reference for gardening with native plants. Not...
Mini Golf Bear, Rifflandia

Mini Golf Bear, Rifflandia

Created as part of a miniature golf course installation at the Rifflandia music festival in Victoria BC. With legs that really pedalled a motorized unicycle wheel, the bear entertained concert-goers throughout the 3-day festival!
Dogwood Beyond Coal facebook campaign

Dogwood Beyond Coal facebook campaign

This digital campaign features a series of different messages and calls to action on the same topic. Observation of which version prompted the most action helped the client to determine which tact was most compelling. This can inform more successful future campaigns...
Rocktopus at Rifflandia

Rocktopus at Rifflandia

In collaboration with Monkey C and tiny heartwood. Rocktopus is an interactive art piece combining light and sound. The tentacles feature light-sensitive switches which trigger a variety of flashing coloured lights and sounds. The piece was featured at Rifflandia, a...